Memories From Back In The Day

First the lord did speak to W. MOSES at the age of fifty, and he did retire from the service of Teaching. Problem is Wally has had at least 4 other careers afterwards.
Second, reviving old man soccer already done- Wally played on over 50 league and on the Alumni game until about 5 years ago. His grandkids now holler " We want Papa"

donald wagg***er my room mate was looking to make some money. At that time evangel college did not have a chapel bell. But soon they purchased one. I told donald that the school was looking for someone to ring the bell and get paid. donald then proceeded to go to the office and ask about the job position. He came back teary eyed and yelled cesiro going to kill you. I know it was mean but I bet your laughing reading it.

Freshman Year Dr. Phil and I were roomates. We decided that we needed our own coffee pot. So we took the bus downtown to shop the pawn shops. As we went to go into a shop, the owner quickly locked the door and wouldnt let us in. In seconds a police car arrived and the officer asked us to get in the back seat.

He proceeded to take us a few blocks away where he stopped at another pawn shop. A lady from the shop came out, looked at me and yelled, "THATS HIM" pointing me out as the one who stole a drill from her store. Just as she finshed her accusation, over the police radio came the report that they caught the 2 guy with the drill trying to pawn it.

I remember saying to the cop, (boy was i stupid) "Now you're going to take us back to where you picked us up". The cop said nothing but did drive us back to the shop where he picked us up. I don't remember if we ever bought the coffee pot, maybe Phil does. - Phil said we bought the pot.

DOOR 66 ROOSTER by Gary B.

Carl had a rooster in his dorm room that would crow if someone turned the hall light on in the middle of the night. I dont know how the rooster got there or how he left, neither does Carl. Maybe someone else knows.


The Speed the Light Dance brings back two memories. First, the dance itself with Wayne Txsch shutting it down and proclaiming that Dorm 66ers had gone too far this time.

My second memory was when Wes died. Jim Lupxca, possibly Gary Biltxn, and I were out at Dr. Ashcrxft'shouse trying to console John. He was torn up over Wes's death. There was also an associate of John who trying his best to write a press release for the Governor on Wes. John on a normal day can be a tough editor. This day He was even more demanding. As John received the new attempt at a story. He again objected. Tell them that Wes was a dedicated Christian man his whole life was the message.

I snickered which brought "the look" from John. Then Jim said something like maybe there was possibly some behavior issues Wes had in college. I piped up and said that Wes also had great Christian accomplishments in college like organizing the SPEED THE LIGHT DANCE.

John started to laugh. He again found his sense of humor. He told that joke several times over the next few days including amongst friends after the graveside service.

MEMORIES. Thank you Bert for remembering.


Mary Frances Berkihiser died recently at 102. She was the librarian at EC from 1957-1977. I bet we have stories to tell about the times she kicked us out for hustling dates and being loud. Probably some of you played tricks on her.

I walked out with a chair. They were so concerned with SH! I bet Fred I could walk out with a chair and they would not say anything. No one stopped me! She was the Librarian that I returned the chair to at the library. She was not amused or concerned that I took a chair!


I walked out with a chair. They were so concerned with SH! I bet Fred I could walk out with a chair and they would not say anything. No one stopped me! She was the Librarian that I returned the chair to at the library. She was not amused or concerned that I took a chair!

I bet I can still eat as much chicken as Carl! Maybe 3-5 wings?


Mary Frances Berkihiser has a part in my story for which I am happy to share. (They say “everyone has a story”) I believe she went by Frances Berkihiser dropping her first name.

I became acquainted with Mrs. Berkihiser during my first year at Evangel. As a student I worked for the school on a work scholarship and Emmit Davis, the Chief of Maintenance at EC, was my boss. On one bright and sunny day I was called into his office where he instructed me to to the library and get something from one of the closets. He told me that I would get the key for the closet from Mrs. Berkihiser. So I jumped in the schools 1938 Chevy flatbed truck and went to the library as instructed. I located Mrs. Berkihiser and asked her for the key to the closet. This is where it all fell apart on that bright and sunny day.

She wanted to know why I wanted the key, for whom, by what authority and a whole host of other question that brought me to the point of total frustration. I just wanted to complete the task assigned, prove myself, and get on with the next order of business. So I blurted out “Just get the key,” I do not remember if I completed the assignment or not, but I do remember what happened when I returned to Mr. Davis’ office. It was on the order of a “come to Jesus” moment. The resolution of the matter had me returning to face Mrs. Berkihiser whereupon I was too apologized for my inappropriate words and behavior. And so I did as instructed. Graciously she accepted my apology; her demeanor toward me changed, and was always genially toward me from then on. We always smiled at each other and at times would laugh about our first encounter. I do believe she genuinely liked me as a person. I do know that she became special to me. I am confident that she now has her reward in heaven.

66 To Krouse North Freshman Initiation: by Dave L.

Initiation ritual or ceremony a god awful sound of cellophane symphony playing at a speed of 16 one speed slower than normal blared through the east end of krause north. All the lights were out in the hall ways except one dim bulb in front of the room where upper class men waited dressed in suit and tie. Wes a and tom c sat at a table with candle light and a bible on the table. Wes had a white shirt with half the buttons unbuttoned and his hairy chest exposed . His head on hand and his elbows on the table holding his head up while looking down. Two heavy well built body guards were sent to the rooms of the freshmen. Brian r in a white shirt and virgil i in white shirt . The freshmen awaited their turn nervously in their rooms as the torment went on . The body guards beat at the freshmens door and were told it was their time . They were almost lifted up between the two body guards. They were brought to the door in front of the room where another body guard dave l stepped forward to meet them causing them to jump back . The door was opened where the horrible sound was coming from and the remainder of dorm 66 members stood. There the new dorm members awaited what was their fate . The music stopped . The hot musty room with its stench of brute cologne and english leather was enough to cause ones vision to blur and a bad case of vertigo . It seemed like hours of silence but only about thirty seconds . Then wes put his hand to his nose sucked in his snots snorting than bellowing out louder than a bull elephant and jumping up from the table ( you are a lowly freshman ) . I would say sixty percent of the freshmen feel to the floor from that wild move by wes. Once everyone gained their composure there was a small speech about dorm brotherhood a reading from the bible . And then . Nobody talks . If you have a problem bring it to one of the dorm elected elders. Obviously a night remembered by myself and sure by anyone else who was there. Paul i believe wayne t was still in charge that semester i left after that

A Memory by B. Roland of His Friend Paul W.

As you know, Paul and I ran together throughout our Evangel days. Our roots go back to Ohio when his father was pastor at the Assembly of God church in Warren, Ohio. It was Pastor Phil who found me at 2AM to give me the unpleasant news that my father had passed away. I shared on my facebook page about how Paul wanted to go to Woodstock back in '69 but I talked him out of it, convincing him that we needed to work to make money for college and because we were already planning on taking time off for weddings. After we found out how Woodstock turned out, he never let me forget that I was the reason we didn't go. We did go halves on the Woodstock album when it came out that I still have and think about him every time I play it. Yes I still have a vinyl collection (a little over 1,200 albums).

There are so many memories but one was when I got asked to leave Evangel in January of 1970. We were driving up the road to the Wannenmacher’s house that was on the opposite corner of Central Bible College. Paul said wouldn't it be funny if you enrolled at CBC. I laughed out loud and said that would be funny. Then Paul turned into CBC and I asked what the heck he was doing. He said let's check it out. The worst that could happen is that I'd get in and spend a semester or so taking some general courses, get my grades up and go back to Evangel. It sounded crazy but we went walking into the registrar's office and the lady asked if she could help us. Of course we were both dressed in blue jeans, flannel shirts with long hair and Paul was wearing his Arlo Guthrie hat. Paul said we'd like to see about registering at CBC. The Registrar, David Drake, saw us walk in and now he was coming towards us and said which one? I raised my hand and said "Me" while Paul pointed to me and said "Him." David Drake did his best song and dance routine telling us it was too late to consider and that I could fill out forms and send them in for next year, blah, blah, blah. I was about to do an about face and head for the door when Paul said, "Well my dad thought it would be a good idea." Drake asked who Paul's dad was and he said Phil Wannenmacher. Drake asked, "The Pastor of, Central Assembly?" And Paul said, yes, your pastor. The next thing I know, there are papers in front of me to fill out and he would, be in touch soon. A couple of days later, I got word that I'd been accepted and low and behold, I was in Bible School for a year before transferring back to EC. That little move by Paul kept me from being drafted and most likely from going to Viet Nam.

There are so many more stories and don't even get me going about the Speed the Light dance and how Paul blocked off one end of the street with his car and was seen on the other side of campus promoting that everyone should take a break from studying for midterms and head down to Dorm 66. This was after he convinced my band to rehearse outside instead of in the dorm lounge. You could tell back then that Paul was going to be successful in Advertising and Marketing. But, like I said, don't even get me going about the Speed the Light dance.